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Dance classes for Caliwynd are perfect for each person, who wants to accomplish a routine in building ones self up and building inner to outer confidence through movement.

Dance Class List

Days : 1st,2nd, 3rd Sunday

Address: 5859 Foothill Blvd, Oakland CA

Place @theselfish_society

Time: 12:30pm-1:30pm

Description Of Classes :

Classes go 2 weeks  In a row of same Choreography, for you to perfect what you learn and build each month on Vocabulary and Build Muscle memory of this training style of Caliwynd.

Every 3rd Caliwynd Sunday we Work Isolations and Wynds to The Core for AN hour developing strong Core and Thigh work.


Below Class Offerings


*Soca Soca*~Cardio-Choreography 1st & 2nd Sundays

We will explore rhythms of Soca, Afro Beats, Dancehall, Old School Hip Hop, Recorded Drumming and different Influental Dance Styles that have shaped the foundation of what Caliwynd is and continues to be.


*Wynds & Isolations* Building Core and Endurance- 3rd Sundays

This Class Will Focus on Your Core, Building Stamina, endurance and rhythm fundamentals while flowing through an array of tropical Vibes


Wynding internally and dancing from our insides out while being in community and feeling the energy of our fellow dance team mate and connecting on a different level through movement.


POP-UP Classes-TBD

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